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Not sure what you need?

Feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more about any of these services or to schedule a free consultation to create the right service for you!

“Morgan Atkins׳ mindfulness approach to teaching children and tweens is absolutely spot-on. Leading classrooms of 8-9 year olds during a global pandemic sounds like a disaster; we were very fortunate to have Ms. Atkins as our primary teacher! She was able to bring calmness to the storm by teaching and modeling resiliency. Learning to stay in the present moment, recognizing joy each day through the creation of gratitude journals, and taking mindfulness breaks helped her students self-regulate and start developing life-long coping skills. My child has a mental-health diagnosis that predicted a downward spiral during the pandemic, and I credit Ms. Atkins and her gentle approach with the perseverance (and frankly, joy) my child exhibited.”

Mindfulness Coaching

Meet with Morgan to receive support on infusing mindfulness into your classroom or daily life. 


For adults: Schedule sessions with Morgan to receive support on infusing mindfulness into your classroom, home, or daily life. 


For youth: Schedule sessions with Morgan to receive support on managing emotions and using mindfulness daily practices in order to find more joy and success.​


Feel free to reach out to learn more.


Executive Functioning Coaching

Schedule sessions with Morgan after school or in the evenings to help your child with homework, organization, goal setting, study skills, and key executive functioning skills, such as planning and completing tasks. 


Our sessions will be grounded in mindfulness techniques, such as checking-in, acknowledging emotions, pausing for reflection, and celebrating growth. They will most certainly be joyful too!


Think of it like tutoring but heavy on the "strategy" side! 


Feel free to reach out to learn more.

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Career Coaching

Ever been curious about working remotely? 

Trying to work in education outside of the traditional classroom environment?

Wondering what your strengths are?


Meet with Morgan to discuss your career goals and receive tips and strategies to make that move!


Feel free to reach out to learn more.

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mindfulwithmorgan © 2023

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